Home / Compliance Cues / Trade & Regulatory Compliance Updates / DoT extends Guidelines for registration process of ‘Machine to Machine’ service providers & WPAN/WLAN Connectivity Provider for M2M Services to all entities

DoT extends Guidelines for registration process of ‘Machine to Machine’ service providers & WPAN/WLAN Connectivity Provider for M2M Services to all entities

DoT extends Guidelines for registration process of ‘Machine to Machine’ service providers & WPAN/WLAN Connectivity Provider for M2M Services to all entities

The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) on 01st January 2024 issued an addendum to the guidelines dated 8th February 2022 for registration process of ‘Machine to Machine’ service providers & WPAN/WLAN connectivity providers for M2M Services (M2M Guidelines). The addendum extends the registration requirement under the M2M Guidelines to include all entities (including Government departments, institutions, undertakings, proprietorship firms, societies and trusts) offering Machine to Machine (“M2M”) and Wireless Personal Area Network/Wireless Local Area Network (WPAN/WLAN) services for M2M services. Further, the deadline for registration with the DoT for the entities providing M2M services or WPAN/WLAN connectivity services for M2M services is 31st March 2024, failing which the telecom resources taken from Authorised Telecom Licensees of DoT are liable to be withdrawn/disconnected.

Earlier, only companies, limited liability partnerships (LLPs), and partnership firms were required to register as an M2M service provider (“M2MSPs) and WPAN/WLAN connectivity provider for M2M services. However, the DoT has now extended the scope of registration to all entities engaged in such business (i.e. M2M services/WPAN/WLAN connectivity for M2M services) including government departments/organizations, institutions, undertakings, proprietorship firms, societies, and trusts. The extension of the registration requirement is aimed at proliferating the standard-based and secure M2M/Internet-of-Things (“IOT”) ecosystem and also addressing concerns of M2MSPs and WPAN relating to interface with Telecom Service Providers, Know-your-customer (“KYC”), security, encryption, etc.

The M2M Guidelines regulate and operationalize M2M services in India through registration under such guidelines. The M2M Guidelines make the registration of M2M service providers and WPAN/WLAN connectivity providers mandatory in India and prescribe a host of requirements for such providers. The requirements under the M2M Guidelines include inter alia maintaining and updating the details of customers of M2M services, deploying only devices/equipment in the network that meet the mandated Telecom Engineering Centre standards and certifications, ensuring the protection of privacy of communication and data as per applicable laws, adherence to KYC regulations, use of e-SIMs with Over-the-Air subscription update facility, etc.

The deadline for registration with the DoT for all entities providing M2M services or WPAN/WLAN connectivity providers is 31st March 2024. Non-compliance with the registration requirement may result in the withdrawal or disconnection of telecom resources obtained from authorized telecom licensees.

Our Take

The DoT’s decision to extend the registration requirement for M2M services and WPAN/WLAN connectivity services to all entities has been taken to extend the scope of the registration in order to proliferate the standard based and secure M2M/IoT ecosystem. The decision marks a crucial step in shaping a secure and standardized M2M landscape in India. This expansion aims to streamline interactions between M2M service providers and telecom service entities, addressing concerns related to KYC, security, and encryption.

By broadening the scope of registration, the DoT is actively supporting the growth of the M2M industry, encouraging businesses to harness the potential of IoT technology for the advancement of smart cities, industries, and other IoT-enabled applications. The government’s commitment to building a secure and innovative M2M/IoT landscape reflects its recognition of IoT’s potential and dedication to creating an environment conducive to its growth and widespread adoption.


PIB Press Release dated 7th January 2024 on Addendum to the guidelines for registration of M2M Service Providers & WPAN/WLAN Connectivity Providers for M2M Services – https://pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1993917

Addendum date 1st January 2024 to the guidelines for registration of M2M Service Providers  & WPAN/WLAN Connectivity Providers for M2M Services – https://dot.gov.in/sites/default/files/Addendum%20to%20M2M%20SP%20guidelines.pdf?download=1

Guidelines dated 8th February 2022 for registration process of ‘Machine to Machine’ service providers & WPAN/WLAN Connectivity Provider for M2M Service – https://dot.gov.in/sites/default/files/M2MSP%20Guidelines%20.pdf?download=1